Signup at htmlzine.club with a correct invitation code.
Then you will receive an email with a randomly generated password for your username. Please keep it in your password manager so that you can use continue using it.In htmlzine.club, you cannot set your own password. htmlzine.club wants to give each user an unique and safe password for a security reason🙏
Don't you know the invitation code? Please write to info@htmlzine.club
- Install a FTP (File Transfer Program) or SFTP (Secure File Transfer Program) software such as FileZilla or Cyberduck, etc on your computer. Pls install a corresponding version for your OS.
- Launch the FTP program that you have downloaded. You'll be able to see input boxes for 4 pieces of information; Host, Username, Password, Port.
Fill in following data for the input boxes.
Host : sftp://htmlzine.club
Username : the username you made when signing up (no space!)
Password : the password you received via e-mail after signing up (no space!)
Port : 23451
If you filled in the data correctly, you'll enter the server for your username on htmlzine.club.
For your information, likely you'll see two columns on the interface of the FTP program. Left one shows all folders on your local computers. Right one shows folders on your server. Pls make sure knowing the differences.
- You'll see a folder with your username. Click it. Inside the folder of your user name, mouse right click and select 'Create directory'. (Now you're creating a new subfolder.) Name the new directory as public_html. It's important to keep the underscore _!
- In the directory 'public_html', you can just drop the entire folder of your webzine as it is. This is the easiest way, as all subfolders such as css or images or whatsoever will be just put in also.
If all files were successfully transferred, you're done now :D
How do you access your webzine then? Here is the example of URL; https://htmlzine.club/~yourusername
If you want to give access for your webzine other users/visitors of htmlzine.club, please write to info@htmlzine.club, clarifying your username and simply saying you want to open the access of your webzine to others. In a few days of the email I received, I will put the link of your webzine in https://htmlzine.club/sharedzines.
You can share your webzine with ppl around you :)